Average Real Estate Agent Income


不出所料,有抱负的房地产经纪人最常问的问题是, “Can you make good money as a real estate agent?”

And more specifically, “How much do real estate agents make in California?”

Luckily, 加州房地产经纪人的收入水平较高, clocking in at around $91,040 per year.

Again, this higher average real estate agent income 与加州较高的房价有关, 这使得在加州的许多市场赚取更高的佣金变得更容易一些.

为了更好地了解加州的平均房地产收入, here are a few things to keep in mind:

1. 房地产经纪人在加州的第一年平均赚多少钱?

考虑到加州的房屋价值中位数在60万到70万美元之间, there’s plenty of money to be made as a California real estate agent.

While not everyone can service the upper-tier markets, 加州活跃的买家和卖家数量庞大,这就产生了对合格的兼职和全职房地产经纪人的巨大需求,这些经纪人可以在广泛的价格点和利基市场提供专业知识.

To answer this question, 重要的是要记住,每个人在房地产的第一年看起来都不一样. 这意味着加州的平均房地产收入可能无法反映许多新房地产经纪人第一年的实际经历.

Some factors that affect the average real estate income for first-year real estate agents in California are:

  • Your first-year marketing budget
  • 你的经纪人在你所选择的市场上的声誉和成功
  • Your commission split with your broker
  • Whether or not you’re working with a skilled mentor
  • Whether you’re part-time or full-time
  • 你的影响范围和交际能力
  • Which city you work in
  • 以及你对当地市场和你所选择的利基市场的了解

That said, we conducted a survey in 2020 发现加州房地产经纪人第一年的平均收入约为41美元,000, and that number rises to over $104,000 between years four and ten of their career.

2. Do Real Estate Agents Make a Base Salary?

Although it’s not common, 有一些房地产中介确实给他们的房地产经纪人提供基本工资,甚至提供医疗福利.

The most popular agency to do this is Redfin, 哪一家提供房地产经纪人工资加佣金. Redfin还提供带薪休假、育儿假和奖金.


For some new real estate agents, the answer is yes.

一些中介机构提供的基本佣金可能是新房地产经纪人是否从事房地产事业的区别, 尤其是如果他们没有从其他渠道存下很多钱的话.

However, 大多数房地产经纪人只收取佣金——许多人喜欢这种方式,因为他们有无限的收入潜力.

Still, networking and transactions can take time, 所以如果在此期间你没有其他的收入来源来支持你, 或者你没有足够的积蓄来支付生活和营销费用, 一个提供基本工资的机构可能是开始的明智选择.

3. What Percentage Do Most REALTORS™ Charge? What About Non-Associated Real Estate Agents?

REALTORS™和非会员房地产经纪人每笔交易收费约5-6%. This can vary depending on their experience, their market, and whether they’re a buying or listing agent.

尽管买方代理每笔交易也可能收取5-6%的费用, 买方代理可能会向他们的客户提供佣金回扣,最终的佣金比例略低.

In the simplest terms, 向客户提供佣金回扣意味着买方代理有时会把钱返还给他们的客户,如果他们在营销上节省了钱, staging, 或者交易的其他部分(通常借助简化的技术)作为继续与他们合作的激励.


虽然以上所有的原因都会影响你第一年的薪水, 可以说,最重要的因素是你选择在加州的哪个城市工作.

For example, the average commission rate in Los Angeles is around 5%.

当你考虑到洛杉矶的平均单户住宅价格是65万美元时, a 5% commission yields $32,500 for a listing agent before broker fees.

On the other hand, a city like Oxnard has a median home value of around $330,000, making a 5% commission dwindle down to just $16,500 before broker fees.

虽然这两个佣金都比在该国其他地区可能收取的佣金高得多, 很容易看出你选择的城市对你的生活有多大的影响 average real estate income in your first year, and even well beyond that.

4. 你对兼职房地产经纪人的薪水有什么期望?

REALTORS™和非会员房地产经纪人每笔交易收费约5-6%. This can vary depending on their experience, their market, and whether they’re a buying or listing agent.

尽管买方代理每笔交易也可能收取5-6%的费用, 买方代理可能会向他们的客户提供佣金回扣,最终的佣金比例略低.

Many real estate agents start out on a part-time basis.

Of course, 它的好处是,兼职工作可以让一个人体验房地产事业,而不会立即放弃其他收入来源, 甚至可能使代理商更容易在全职工作之前找到他们更喜欢的利基和市场.

Work More, Earn More

A recent survey 研究发现,全国各地的房地产经纪人工作时间越长,赚的钱就越多, 工作时间在40-60小时之间的房地产经纪人收入最高. Moreover, 收入最高的人也是最快乐的房地产经纪人, 可能是因为房地产是一个努力工作就能直接得到回报的职业.

At the same time, 每周工作时间少于30小时的经纪人平均也能挣24美元,566 per year, which isn’t bad for a part-time career.

Part-Time Income In California May Be Higher

And again, 他是加州洛杉矶等城市的兼职房地产经纪人, San Francisco, 或者圣地亚哥可能比全国其他地区的兼职房地产经纪人赚得更多,仅仅是因为房价更高.

In short, the average real estate agent income in California can vary, but is higher than most states.

虽然房地产的成功高度依赖于个人的努力, 加州庞大的人口和大多数地区的高房地产价值超过了影响平均房地产收入的许多其他因素.

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